If you don't click Save before you leave the Junk Email page in Options, you'll be prompted to either click Cancel to remain on the page or click OK to leave the page without saving your changes. If you change any other Junk Email settings, you need to click Save to save your new settings. The address will be allowed into your Inbox, but all other email addresses that have the domain will be sent to your Junk Email folder.Ĭhanges you make to the Safe Senders List, Blocked Senders List, and Safe Recipients List are automatically saved when they're entered. For example, suppose the domain is on your Blocked Senders List and the address is on your Safe Senders List. The junk email filter gives precedence to email addresses over domains when it checks incoming messages. They will need to make changes in their email program to allow messages from you to be received. Sometimes email that you send ends up in a recipient's junk email folder. Email messages identified as junk email are moved to the Junk Email folder.
For example, you might want to allow messages that are sent not only to you but also to a particular person. A recipient can be an individual mailbox or it can be a group. A recipient is the intended destination of a message. You can also add individual email addresses to your Safe Recipients List. Safe recipients can include groups you're a member of and want to receive email messages from.